

Youthline is a "with youth, for youth" organisation that has been supporting young people throughout Aotearoa New Zealand for more than 50 years. Youthline supports all young people, including those who are struggling (with their mental health or other issues), as well as those who want to learn, grow and give back to their community.

Youthline offers free Helpline service (text, phone, webchat & email), free face-to-face counselling services, youth mentoring, and programmes in schools and communities to help people grow and develop.

As a registered charity, Youthline relies on the generosity of its donors and supporters to continue to provide support to young New Zealanders.

For further information visit:

You can enter any amount (including cents) although a minimum donation of TR$1.00 is required for charity redemptions.

Please note: We will be unable to issue a tax receipt for any donation using True Reward dollars.
Wawata by Dr Hinemoa Elder  From TR$30.00
Aroha by Dr Hinemoa Elder  From TR$30.00
Atomic Habits by James Clear  From TR$40.00
The Stinky Wonky Donkey by Craig Smith  From TR$22.99
Maori Made Easy Pocket Guide by Scotty Morrison  From TR$24.00
View from the Second Row by Samuel Whitelock  From TR$49.99
A Life Less Punishing by Matt Heath  From TR$37.99
The Winning Mindset by David Niethe  From TR$39.99